
小学英语外研版四年级下Module 3, Module 4 同步指导与测试内容涵盖同步指导、单元检测题文末附参考答案,一定能对孩子们的学习带来帮助温馨提示:单元检测题中听力部分可直接扫描二维码。扫一扫,听听力。预览图下方有高清图下载地址(请使用电脑下载和使用)Module 3 同步指导Module 3 单元检测题Module 4 同步指导Module 4 单元检测题高清图片下载地址:外研版小学英语四年级下Module 3, Module 4同步指导与测试 – 学英语报社-学习天地 – 《学英语报》官方网站|以报养研,科研助教,心系教育,奉献社会!提供海量英语试题、英语听力、英语学案、英语教案、英语课件下载。参考答案同步测试题(Module 3)听力录音原文 一、1. The robot can sing and dance. 2. Everything is beautiful in the room. 3. My mother will do the housework on Sunday. 4. I will visit my grandpa on Thursday. 5. We will have a holiday next week. 二、1. My aunt will make cakes tomorrow. 2. The boy can ride a bike. 3. I will take photos in the park. 4. The dog can help the man. 5. The girl will fly a kite near the river. 三、1. I’ll play with my robots. 2. The girl can row a boat. 3. Next week is a holiday.4. Tomorrow is Thursday. 5. They will do the housework. 四、Kate will have a holiday. She will ride a bike on Monday. She will watch TV on Wednesday. She will read books on Thursday. She will do her homework on Friday. On Tuesday and Saturday she will go swimming. 参考答案 一、1-5 BACBC 二、3 5 4 1 2 三、1-5 FFTFT 四、1-B 2-D 3-C 4-A 五、1. Saturday 2. for 3.Wednesday 4. with 六、1-6 BFEACD 七、2 4 3 6 1 5 八、1-5 FTFFT同步测试题(Module 4)听力录音原文 一、1. I will ride my bike on Sunday. 2. He is going to fly a kite tomorrow. 3. The robot will make a cake. 4. She will take some bread. 5. They are going to play football. 二、1. We are going to have a picnic on Saturday. 2. She will take her kite and ball. 3. It will be windy in Yinchuan. 4. Sam will go swimming. 5. It will be hot tomorrow. 三、1. Will you do your homework?2. What will you do? 3. What will the weather be on Sunday? 4. Will it be hot tomorrow? 四、What will the weather be tomorrow? It will be sunny in Beijing. It will be cloudy in Tianjin. It will snow in Harbin. It will rain in Guangzhou. It will be windy in Jilin. 参考答案 一、4 2 5 1 3 二、1-5 FTFFT 三、1-4 BAAB 四、1-D 2-C 3-A 4-E 5-B 五、1-5 ABBCA 六、1-5 BDACE七、1. have 2. cloudy 3. going 4. take 5. won’t 八、1-4 FTFF内容精选自《学英语》报独家资源,严禁抄袭!


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